Monday 19 September 2016

EP-4 - Reb-Do (1982)

I was spending nearly 10 hours to find a reason why cassette recording with my old Sony Cassette / CD player suddenly made a static sound in background and tracks sounds like very compressed. It took quite of time to know because this happened right after getting new aux cord, and upgraded OS to Windows 10. After upgrading and downgrading OS like 5 time after, my old Walkman solved the question. Cassette player was the problem.

Anyway, it's the early Abstract genre album from Electric Funk band EP-4. and it's worth the 10 hours of stress for me at least.

Like there's no name of EP-4 in this album, it's quite different than EP-4's later albums. But it made connection and understanding with some of EP-4's tracks like (unit 3) from Case Of Telegraph Product 2.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to cry! I have wanted to hear this EP-4 album for ages! Man, this was a damn fine blog!
